Saturday, May 10, 2014

Mixed emotions leaving Kingston

We have had a wonderful time in Kingston. Sure, it has been a typical NW winter (cold, wet, snow, etc...), but we could not have found a better place to spend the winter. The area here is only out done by the people here. Kingston truly is the "small town next to the big city".

We have made some wonderful friends in Kingston. We are going to miss the staff at the Port of Kingston. I cannot begin to describe the people here. Our first contact here was last fall. Jan and I came here in our car to check the place out and decide if we wanted to spend the winter here. We couldn't see where the office was so we interrupted a man eating his lunch (Ray). He apologized for eating when we walked up, interrupting his lunch, and started asking questions. My gosh, *we* are sorry for interrupting your lunch and are grateful for your help! That turned out to be the tone for our entire experience in Kingston. Everyone on staff went out of their way to ensure that we wanted for nothing. Seriously, I feel embarrassed that I cannot better express how wonderful the staff is at the Port of Kingston.

THANK YOU David, Scott, Christine, Ray, Bob, Dutch (yeah, I know your name is Steve), Austin, Lee, Greg, Chrystyal!!! God bless you all!

Rapture's home for the past 7 months

There were 2 going away parties on the dock. Cambria and Cloud Nine teamed up for the first party - a spaghetti feed. It was great fun!! We were told that we could not contribute because Jan was "part of the staff".

Greg and his wife

David and his son

Nancy from Cloud Nine

Mike and David from Cambria

Mike and Scott from the Port office

Stephanie from Cambria

Dutch (Steve) from the Port

Jan and I put on a second port staff party one week later. We served pulled pork sandwiches, potato salad, beans, and a boat made cheese cake (it was a huge hit - Ray got home and told his wife about it which prompted a quick call to ensure that we saved a piece to send home with Ray the next day so he could live to see another day).

To give back a little we took the port staff that wanted to go for an evening sail. I could not have designed a better spring evening for a sail. It was sunny, warm, and a good steady breeze. Everyone had a great time! And I learned something.. they make bread rolls known as Hawaii Bread - who knew? Jan made a light dinner for everyone - small sandwiches on hawaii bread rolls.

Austin wondering if he is going to die today

Dutch scanning the horizon for signs of life

Scott says "tack again, I am trying to get a video"

1 comment:

  1. We couldn't agree more! Kingston has been a great find and we feel so lucky to have spent the winter here amongst so many wonderful people -- even luckier that they're willing to take us back in the fall! I still can't believe you guys are going to be able to leave before us, but that's just the way we roll. Have a good summer and a fantastic sail down the coast. We'll be following along!

    Stephanie, David & Sally
