Friday, July 25, 2014


Let me just start by saying that I like to eat crab as much as the next person. That being said, I am not so crazy about crab season. I'm sure that it has something to do with the fact that I don't own a crab pot, but mostly about the popularity of crabbing. We left an anchorage last week and headed for Anacortes for a grocery run. When we left there were maybe 5 or 6 other boats in the anchorage. When we returned that night we counted 40 boats! Furthermore, it was like picking my way through a mine field to get back into the anchorage. I guess it was opening day for crab season, oh boy.

This was a Thursday and we had planned to spend a down relaxing weekend on the hook. No such luck... it was a total zoo between the kids racing around in the little boats and the adults racing out to set or haul their crab pots. Furthermore, we knew that it was going to continue through Sunday, and sure enough, it did. But fortunately Sunday did come and just like we thought, they all left. Whew, quiet once again.

Most afternoon/evenings in the San Juan Islands come with a good stiff breeze. We have really enjoyed the weather this year in the islands. But one evening last week things got a bit more exciting. We were relaxing watching a little TV before bed and then decided to turn in. Then about midnight I woke to the wind blowing pretty good. As I laid in bed I noticed that it was really starting to pick up. When the rig shutters and the boat vibrates with a wind gust, you know it is well over 20. So I decided to get up and have a look around. Glad I did!! I would have totally missed the excitement if I had just laid in bed. There were 2 sailboats rafted together up the bay from us. When I got up they were down the bay from us. Fortunately they realized they had a problem and were working on splitting the boats and resetting separate anchors. Jan came out and we sat in the cockpit watching the excitement. They both got their anchors reset and headed back to bed.

On another evening we were sitting in the cockpit reading when we noticed a newer Beneteau come into the anchorage. We thought "we will launch the kayak in the morning and paddle over to say hi". As I watched I realized they could use some instruction on setting an anchor - not the best technique I have seen. And then sure enough, when the evening "breeze" picked up, off they went. Fortunately they realized they had a problem right away and got on it. But then they ended up clear on the opposite side of the bay from us. They stayed for 2 rainy days but then hauled their anchor and left just as the weather improved - and before we could get over and greet them. Bummer..

After watching these anchor dragging incidents I have to say that I am very happy that I chose to upgrade my anchor and chain before we headed out on our adventure. Furthermore, I am so grateful to my friend Scott for teaching me how to properly set an anchor. I feel very blessed!!!

This is going to come as a shock to a lot of people.. but Jan said she was going to stop smoking cigarettes when we moved onto the boat. But then we ended up in Kingston tied to a dock so she said she would stop smoking cigarettes when we left Kingston. Well, I guess she can say she no longer smokes cigarettes.

We have a huge cockpit so we spend the vast majority of our time there. First thing in the morning we brew a pot of coffee and then head outside. We spend the morning reading and doing our devotions while we have our coffee in the cockpit. The other day I was on the phone and happened to look down to see Jan with the camera (the little sneak).

We were blessed with a huge, bright full moon this month.

I was sitting outside one evening during a heavy rainstorm. The rain quit for a short time and a break developed in the clouds for the sun to shine down. If you look closely you can see exactly where the rainbow ends - right on that small rock island! We jumped in the kayak and paddled over there looking for the pot of gold, but there was none to be found (truthfully, as you can see in the second picture it was quite stormy so we just stayed on the boat). I thought the second picture really shows the wind ripping up the water. It was blowing good that day!!!

Check out the bird struggling in the wind

The next 2 pictures were 2 days ago. We had the first big rain storm for a week or so and everything was so green! The pictures just really don't do it justice. We were having our coffee in the cockpit that morning and were just taken by the beauty.

We are currently in Port Ludlow for the Signature Yachts All Fleet Rendezvous. We absolutely LOVE this rendezvous. What a great group of people!! We are so very blessed to be able to call them friends. The rendezvous this year coincides with the festival at Port Ludlow. They have a small street fair, live music, fireworks, and a demonstration from the Coast Guard. And to top all of that, Jason is bringing our grandchildren to enjoy the weekend with us! This is promising to be an absolute wonderful time! We came down 2 days ago and timed the currents just right. We made the trip from Lopez Island to Port Ludlow in 5 hours flat - awesome in my opinion!!

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