Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Cojo Beach

We left San Luis at first light because it was going to be a long day and we wanted to be sure to arrive at Cojo before dark. We were very happy with the anchorage at San Luis. It was relatively calm with good holding for the anchor.

Cojo beach is nothing more than a very small inlet just around Point Conception. There is what appears to be a very small town there. But its claim to fame are the kelp beds - HUGE kelp beds. To get into the anchorage you have to weave your way through and hope you don't make a wrong turn and get fouled. Then when you finally get into 30 or 40 feet of water you go back and forth along the shore looking for a spot that you can get the anchor on the ground... and back up again in the morning!

It is really a bit unnerving to anchor the boat in such a small cove (anchor drag alarm tonight!). There is really no protection - you are just anchored on the side of the ocean. But as it turned out, it was a really nice anchorage. The swell and wind was coming from the west/northwest and was mostly blocked by Point Conception - hey, Point Conception is not ALL bad :-).

We got to Cojo late in the evening and planned to leave early in the morning so there wasn't a lot of exploring and no pictures were taken. We were just really glad to be safely around Point Conception and on our way to San Diego, exhausted.

Next stop - Santa Barbara.

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