Friday, October 11, 2013

We have a new home!

We have spent the last week discussing our options and have come to the decision that we would be best served by wintering in the Pacific Northwest. The sale of my business took way too long and pushed us pasted Tori's availability. Her next availability is not until the end of October and then there would only be a couple of weeks available. And the chances of getting a good weather window that late in the season is pretty slim. We also figured that even if we got out and started down the coast we would be chasing the seasons for quite some time. And we really don't want to be rushing through this. The idea is to slow life down and start enjoying ourselves.

So we decided to stay in the Pacific Northwest and then we needed to decide where we would stay. It is not feasible to anchor through the winter here (well, not according to Jan anyway) so we needed to find someplace to tie up for the winter. We checked into a lot of options and ultimately decided on Kingston. So today we moved the boat and the car to Kingston and got started on the next phase of our adventure.

We spent a little over a week in Eagle Harbor and absolutely LOVED it there!! One afternoon we were sitting in the cockpit and watched a sealion putting away the groceries right off our stern. There must have been a school of fish below our boat because he was tearing them up. He would come up with a fish in his mouth and thrash and tear at it. Then the flock of birds circling above would swoop in and try to tear it from his mouth. This went on for at least 5 minutes right outside our backdoor.

Eagle Harbor is the home for rowing and sailing clubs. Every day at different times of the day different groups would be out on the water rowing. Everything from 2 man to 8 man boats would come roaring by with the coxswain yelling instructions. Then in the afternoon the kids would come out sailing their small 2 person boats. One couple ended up sailing right up to our boat so we chatted them up. Apparently it was a parks and recreation group. Then in the spring it will be a high school sailing club. They looked like they were having fun.

Unfortunately we didn't get any pictures.. we have just been taking it very easy trying to catch up on some much needed rest.

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