Friday, August 8, 2014

New Paint for Rapture's Bottom

One of the reasons we went to Pleasant Harbor was to be able to get a look at the bottom of our boat. We (well, Jan) tried while we were in the San Juan Islands but she very quickly discovered that 53 degree water is WAY too cold for swimming. Bless her heart, she jumped in but quickly came right back out. So while we were in 70 degree water in Pleasant Harbor I dove down and took a look at the bottom of Rapture. Needless to say, I didn't like what I saw! We had a serious growth problem and that explained our reduced speed through the water. So we decided that we better clean and paint our bottom here instead of the existing plan of San Francisco.

The reason we were planning San Francisco in the first place is that no yards in the Puget Sound have ladders for use. But it dawned on me that I have a friend with a business in downtown Everett. So I got on the phone to Rick and begged to borrow a ladder. Well, there really wasn't much begging.. Rick being the most gracious friend that he is quickly said he had 2 ladders and would even drop them off at the marina for me. What a great guy!! Rick - you truly saved the day.

So we took the boat to Everett and hauled out to the hard. Once out of the water she was pressure washed and then blocked up on jack stands.

Everything went really smooth. We washed, scrubbed, scraped, and cleaned the hull most of Thursday. Then on Friday we put 2+ coats of new bottom paint on. Then Saturday morning they came by with the travel lift and put us back in the sling. We took that opportunity to paint where the jack stands had been. Then launched back in the water Saturday at noon. A quick turn around for a couple of amateurs.
Jan standing under our new paint job
Of course we stayed on the boat while she was on the hard. I must say, it was quite a strange feeling being on the boat without any motion.

Friday night was a busy night for 2 bone weary sailors. A couple of years ago we bought a commercial meat grinder and vacuum packer. We have been making our own ground beef and sausage ever since. Right before we left the house last year we packaged up about 30 pounds of burger and sausage and loaded it in our 2 freezers on the boat. It is the perfect solution for a boat because it makes flat rectangles of vacuum packed meat the fit perfectly in a small freezer. Well a year later almost all of that meat was gone. So we took the opportunity of being in Everett to pack up another 30 pounds. Our renters graciously allowed us into our house to pick up our equipment. Then after spending all day working on the boat we spent the evening grinding and packing meat. But now our freezers are full again and we are ready to go!

Our plan for Saturday was for me to take the boat to Kingston and Jan to drive the car. Then I would meet her in Kingston and we would both sail to Port Ludlow and anchor up for a much needed rest. They had just put the boat back in the water when I looked up and saw Jan standing on the dock. She said "I just saw a lightening flash, maybe we should stay here today and head out tomorrow". To which I replied "no, it is heading north east and we are heading south west, it will be fine". Yeah, right! Way to go Mike. I am cruising along loving the extra 2 knots of speed from our fresh paint job when I notice that the clouds are building. I didn't think too much about it because I was still thinking it was heading away from me. Then about 45 minutes from Kingston a blinding flash of lightening followed immediately by the loudest thunder boom I have ever heard. It was so loud it hurt my ears and I could feel it in my chest. Then immediately alarms started going off on the boat. Next the autopilot stopped working. Not good...

It turns out that the near lightening strike fried the course computer for the autopilot. Fortunately I have a spare on board. So when I pulled into Kingston I went to work switching out the computer. 45 minutes later we were good to go again. The next day I called Raymarine to find out about getting the computer repaired so I would have my spare again. Raymarine tech support is really great. Your equipment does not have to be under warranty - you can call them anytime about any Raymarine equipment. Anyway, they told me that a near lightening strike will often fry autopilot course computers, wind instruments, and radar. Well, my wind instruments are working fine, but I have not tested my radar. So biting my nails I head out and turn the radar on. Thankfully, the radar is working fine. So we will see what the cost to repair the course computer will come out to.

We left Kingston in the evening and headed for Port Ludlow. We arrived at sunset and got a beautiful shot.

While in Port Ludlow a couple of tall ships came. They are quite the sight. You can tour them and I believe go out for a sail on them.

We are going to leave Port Ludlow for Brownsville on August 15th for the Beneteau rendezvous. Should be yet another great time!!! Then it will be launch time, heading south to warmer, sunnier climates - YEAH!

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