Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Off We Go!

No pictures today - just a quick update. We are in Port Angeles today. Tori is on her way and we plan to head out at first light in the morning. We should be in San Francisco in about 1 week.

We had quite a trip getting to Port Angeles. We left Port Ludlow yesterday afternoon heading for Sequim. We found 30+ knots of breeze directly in our face when we rounded Pt Wilson (Port Townsend). To make matters worse the tide was ebbing which made the seas very tall, close together, and breaking. We stuffed the bow pretty good twice and then REALLY good on the third try. This sent a river of green water over the forward deck and down the rail. After that I decided to get a bit more serious about throttle management and pretty much kept the bow mostly above water for the rest of the trip.

After about an hour of this pounding we slipped in behind Protection Island and got a break. The sea calmed quite a bit and the wind dropped to 20. Then we came out the other side and were right back in the heat of the day. Things got real serious when we got to Sequim. There is a narrow dredge passage that you must follow with the wind and waves on your beam to get in. We held on and finally rounded the breakwater to calm wind and flat water. Time for mass alcohol and a good night's sleep!

We left Sequim for Port Angeles at 6:00AM in order to prevent a repeat of our excitement from yesterday. We had to deal with some fog, but light wind and nothing more than the normal swell with an occasional roller. Much better trip.

Sorry about no pictures - we had our hands full with the boat! Next stop - Golden Gate Bridge!

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